Resolve Your Issues by Consulting a Wise Inner Mentor

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Manage Your Inner Dialog
Intro written: Enhance All of Life with Inner Silence
Stub only: Intuition
Stub only: Managing and Using Chi Energy
Stub only: Choice, Commitment
Stub only: Change Your Consciousness While Active

Exercise Details

Duration = 8 minutes.
Difficulty = 50/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To tune in to the perspective of your highest self almost instantly, so that you have access to your higher self whenever you need it.
  2. To regularly discover within yourself a wiser perspective about difficult things in your life, such as situations that scare you or that leave you confused about where to turn or what to do next.
  3. To develop an ongoing relationship with your inner source of wisdom that you can consult daily without going into trance or otherwise taking time away from other demands on your life.
Image courtesy of: Thomas Duchnicki, Location Scout, Kreuzberg, Germany || Original Image || Flickr profile || creative location